EXEC sp_rename '', 'ErrorDateTime', 'COLUMN' The following example renames the column ErrorTime in the table dbo.ErrorLog to ErrorDateTime in the AdventureWorksLT database. Select the column whose name you want to change and type a new value for Name. You can also change the name of a column in the Column Properties tab. Renames a column from one name to another.

In Object Explorer, right-click the table in which you want to rename columns and choose Rename.Syntax Below is the basic syntax of renaming a column in MySQL. In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of Database Engine. You can rename a column name in MySQL in two ways: Using RENAME statement Using CHANGE statement MySQL RENAME COLUMN using RENAME statement This is the commonly used command to change a column name.Use SQL Server Management Studio Rename a column using Object Explorer Refresh the metadata using sp_refreshsqlmodule or sp_refreshview. For example, if you rename a table column and that column is referenced by a non-schema-bound view or function that SELECTs all columns (using the *), the metadata for the view or function continues to reflect the original column name.
#Rename column name in mysql update#
Renaming a column doesn't automatically update the metadata for any objects which SELECT all columns (using the *) from that table. Use sys.sql_expression_dependencies to list dependencies on the object before renaming it. For example, if you rename a table column and that column is referenced in a trigger, you must modify the trigger to reflect the new column name. Create an object for the database cursor. You must modify any objects that reference the renamed column manually. Make a connection request with the database. Renaming a column won't automatically rename references to that column. You can rename a table column in SQL Server by using SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL. SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance